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Community Gathering to Support Those Impacted by the Coronavirus

Office of Global Learning

Dear Cornellians,

As a follow-up to the message I sent on Saturday, January 25 about the coronavirus, I understand that some of our students have questions or concerns about their own safety and the safety of their families. I am writing to invite you to participate in a community gathering to seek and offer support. 

At this meeting, colleagues and I will share the Cornell Health website and how to find the updates on the coronavirus. This will be a space to talk about your experiences and concerns, as well as questions about the impact this has on you, your family and friends, and the Cornell campus.  

We will host this session on Wednesday, January 29 at 5 pm in Uris Auditorium, G01 Uris Hall. Light snacks will be provided.

Cornell continues to be concerned about your physical and mental health. Support services are noted at the end of this message.

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

In community,
Brandon Lanners, Executive Director, Office of Global Learning

Support Services:

Cornell Health is available to help anyone with illness. You can reach them 24/7 by calling 607-255-5155, and they have developed a list of frequently asked questions about the coronavirus. 

Generally, remember that it is flu season and I encourage you to follow Cornell Health guidelines to protect yourself from illness.  If you feel ill and show the symptoms described, you should see Cornell Health, or a medical facility where you are located, immediately.

Students may consult with counselors from Cornell Health’s Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) by calling 607-255-5155.  For students who would like an informal, confidential consultation with a Cornell Health counselor, try our Let’s Talk Drop-In Consultation.