Discussing Difficult Topics
Cornell has resources available for faculty that help foster a campus-wide environment of community agreement.
Guides from the Center for Dialogue & Pluralism
The Center for Dialogue & Pluralism (Formerly the Intergroup Dialogue Project) is an academic initiative that creates community across difference through critical dialogue. CDP has compiled several guides to support effective tactics for intergroup communication:
- Community Agreements Guide: Community agreements are "ground rules" that we establish early on to set expectations for how we want to communicate with each other. Establishing community agreements gives us a way to hold ourselves and others accountable for honest and respectful communication with one another.
- LARA Guide: LARA stands for Listen, Affirm, Respond, and Add Information. LARA aims to help steer a conversation toward a mutual understanding of each other's identities, lived experiences, and positions.
Resources for Cornell Classrooms
Visit Cornell’s Center for Teaching Innovation for classroom inclusion resources and advice for faculty on responding to incidents that affect the teaching and learning climate.