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International Off-Campus Activity Toolkit

Thank you for considering leading an international off-campus activity for Cornellians!

Two rows of students wearing summery clothes facing the camera with hills in the background.
Molecular Diagnostics class in Chile.

For Off-Campus Activity Leaders

In this online toolkit, Cornell University faculty, staff, and students who lead student activities abroad—whom we call Off-Campus Activity Leaders (OCALs)—can find guides, best practices, templates, and connections to experienced potential collaborators. The toolkit provides advice and resources for designing off-campus student learning experiences, arranged in bite-sized chunks for the novice to the veteran.

While it is normal for program development to take one to two years and involve numerous people, this toolkit provides a one-stop shop—a how-to guide to encourage consistency across international off-campus activities and facilitate their creation and execution.

OCALs: Self-enroll here for access to the toolkit

If you have any questions regarding the materials in this toolkit, please email

Note: You need a university Canvas account to access the toolkit. Those without an account can request one by visiting