For Alumni
No matter your distance from Ithaca, a Cornell Global Hub in your corner of the globe means exciting opportunities to connect with Cornell faculty and students, expand your network, and share the Big Red spirit of your region.
World-Class Network
Global Hubs bring Cornell to your doorstep—and your local knowledge and connections are vital to your Hub’s success.
At your Hub, you'll discover opportunities to build deeper relationships with the Cornell community and successful local alumni through networking events, faculty talks, and more. Networking gives you a more direct way to meet students and attract Cornell talent for job openings. Consider connecting with Cornell and Hubs partners to offer internships, community-engaged learning, or service opportunities.
Connected by Cornell
Cornell’s international alumni stay connected through more than 50 Cornell Clubs beyond North America. If you’re based near a Global Hub, your in-person opportunities multiply. Attend events with faculty, students, and fellow alumni. Explore shared interests with visiting faculty. Mentor a student.
Cornellians in your region for a short stay or semester look forward to meeting you.
Get involved at your Hub! Explore locations—then reach out to learn more about activities near you. We welcome your input on how alumni can create engagement opportunities for Cornell faculty and students.
Recent Stories
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The alumni Cornell Clubs of Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen and the Cornell China Center cohosted a hybrid international new student send-off.
Academics from some of the world's top institutions will came together in August to brainstorm ideas to create more sustainable cities and communities.
On July 20th, the Cornell Club of Singapore hosted Cornell professors Gustavo Flores-Macias and Sarah Kreps.
"The opportunity to work abroad during the summer and do research at another top university is what attracted me to the program,” said Cornell materials and engineering science student Daniel Bilezikian.