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Immigrants should be released into their communities says a report co-authored by Migration's Ian Kysel, due to high COVID risk in detention centers.

Former National Security Advisor, H.R. McMaster, Lt. General, U.S. Army, retired, will speak to the Cornell community about foreign policy, national security, and America’s standing in the world. The virtual event will be...

South Asia and Latin America have commonalities as epicenters according to Einaudi scholars Banerjee and Castillo.

The 2020 presidential election tested the political system and pushed American democracy close to the brink. President Donald J. Trump and many of his supporters continue to claim that the election was beset with fraud. This Democracy 20/20 panel (Dec. 4, 2020) looks back at a turbulent election cycle and considers how effectively the U.S. political system will weather historic challenges.

Global Public Voices fellow Tao Leigh Goffe is a cofounder of the Journal of Indentureship and its Legacies.