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Cornell ranks 4th in the Best U.S. Colleges & Universities for Students from Outside the USA

On March 30, Elizabeth Bach ’19 got a big surprise. Bach thought she was going to a routine meeting with her Cornell Abroad advisor in Caldwell Hall. Instead, she was greeted by the NYC-...

Cornell grad student presents low-tech solutions to keep girls in school at UN panel on status of women.

Cornell Tech's foreign students are leading the charge in founding U.S. startups.

Based on citizenship, newly admitted Cornell students hail from 96 nations outside the U.S.

Mahowald will co-author new UN report on climate change and response options

Cornell's Agua Clara project helps bring clean water to more than 65,000 people in Honduras.

Veterinary students at Cornell are working with clinicians in the Belize Zoo’s animal hospital.

Hawaii and Maryland federal courts temporarily block the new immigration executive order.

Fact-checking President Trump's claim that immigrants cost taxpayers "billions of dollars a year."